Creating Sustainable Residential Developments In East Africa

If you are building homes, you may be interested in the development of sustainable residential developments in East Africa. When you develop your homes in whichever part of the country that you choose to, here are a couple of thoughts towards making your development that much more sustainable. Its worthwhile to think about this, as [...]

By |2014-03-14T23:43:47+03:00March 14th, 2014|Green Architecture|0 Comments

Achieving Water Sustainability At the Detail Level: Tips for the Kenyan Architect

The Kenyan Architect must look at the possibilities of ensuring that the available water resources are properly harnessed at all points within the built environment. The design must make use of available water resources from its planning level, but must also examine the use of water resources within the development itself. In so doing, the [...]

By |2011-07-25T12:49:45+03:00July 25th, 2011|Green Architecture|0 Comments

Water sustainability by Kenyan Architect -Wet Lands

Conservation of rain water is a major part of creating sustainable architecture in projects that a Kenyan architect requires to consider. One would find that any fresh water that is incident to a site needs to be handled with care and its usage carefully regulated to eliminate wastage. Treated piped water supply typically has its [...]

By |2011-07-25T11:23:34+03:00July 25th, 2011|Green Architecture|0 Comments

Green Architecture for building in Kenya

When building in Kenya today, one of the most intriguing aspects of interest today to the Kenyan Architect today is Green Architecture, also called sustainable design.  The process of building in Kenya has been fraught with emphasis on commercial and speculative concerns, resulting in a dearth of well-construed buildings that are able to function and [...]

By |2011-07-25T12:31:54+03:00July 25th, 2011|Green Architecture|0 Comments

Tips for the Kenyan Architect – Principles of Design

Tips for the Kenyan Architect – Principles of Design One of the most important tenets of design for the Kenyan architect is that their building design needs to offer the best design solutions available at a given time.  All this must be offered within a particular context, and the project must demonstrate an aptitude of [...]

By |2011-07-25T09:55:04+03:00July 25th, 2011|Architect Practice|0 Comments

The Kenya Architect – Stages of Work

The Architect in Kenya usually follows a standard process of creating the design that shall ultimately be built. As part of compliance with these set regulations, Adroit Architecture seeks to adhere to these regulations as much as possible. These stages of design form the basis of payment of professional fees. As each stage is completed, [...]

By |2012-11-06T20:35:47+03:00April 15th, 2011|Architect Practice, General, Green Architecture, Projects|6 Comments

Inception of Building Design by an Architect in Kenya

Inception of Building Design by an Architect in Kenya The architect in Kenya practicing his profession is faced with several challenges in meeting client’s objectives. Clients are increasingly more aware of their aspirations and familiar with the building industry, and it is not uncommon to hear of developers handling several projects at a time, whether [...]

By |2011-05-19T16:21:43+03:00April 14th, 2011|Architect Practice, General, Green Architecture|Comments Off on Inception of Building Design by an Architect in Kenya

House plans for discerning clients, the challenge for Architects in Kenya

House plans for discerning clients, the challenge for Architects in Kenya   Architects in Kenya design and supervise construction of various buildings within the country and elsewhere in the East African region.  Probably the most common project that they will design and implement is the residential dwelling, i.e. the House. Adroit Architecture is well versed [...]

By |2011-05-19T16:14:26+03:00April 14th, 2011|General, Projects|0 Comments
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