Guest House Extension and Refurbishment

This particular project was interesting because it required lots of architectural design work as well as interior design. The biggest challenge was working with already pre-existing spaces to turn them into something beautiful and exciting. The extension part involved the construction of a brand new block of 20 rooms, single and double rooms. The dining [...]

By |2016-08-09T16:59:31+03:00August 9th, 2016|Architecture, Construction Projects, Interior Design|0 Comments

Different Tile Options for your Construction in Kenya

Floor tiles are a very common and versatile finish that you will find being used for both residential and commercial properties. Tiles are usually pocket friendly, depending on the type and last a long time. They come in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes and can be used both internally and externally for your [...]

By |2016-07-20T15:11:06+03:00July 20th, 2016|Architecture, Interior Design|2 Comments

Construction in Kenya – Types of Windows that you can Use

Windows play a very important role in a building, both functionally and aesthetically, for interior design. Windows are key in allowing natural light and air to flow into a building and at the same time, defining the taste and preference of the owner. Before you embark on your construction project, it is a good idea [...]

By |2016-07-19T16:39:38+03:00July 19th, 2016|Architecture, Interior Design|0 Comments

Sustainable Green Architecture – The Role of In Door Plants

There are many benefits of having in door plants in your home of office. Adding house plants to your indoor spaces is one of the cheapest and most effective way to incorporate sustainable green architecture into your home. In door plants or house plants basically refers to any plants that can thrive in door. Given [...]

By |2016-06-28T14:24:02+03:00June 28th, 2016|General, Green Architecture|0 Comments

An Amazing Ceramic Pots Waterfall for your Exterior or Interior Design

When it comes to exterior and Interior Design in Kenya, creativity is the only way to come up with a winning design. It all about using what you have or what is locally available to create something nice, unique and elegant. It is now possible for you to have a waterfall inside or outside your [...]

By |2013-08-19T12:23:10+03:00August 19th, 2013|Interior Design|0 Comments

House Plans in Kenya for the Non-Ambulant Disabled

One of the salient areas that an architect needs to contend with when designing house plans in Kenya is with regard to designing for the physically challenged. Ensuring that a building has sufficient functionality for those who are handicapped means creating buildings that cater for their needs, allowing them to live as freely as anyone [...]

By |2011-08-17T19:57:58+03:00August 17th, 2011|Interior Design|0 Comments

House Plans In Kenya – The Bedroom

One of the most defining features of  house plans in Kenya is their bedroom space. This is the most private, most intimate part of a house’s layout, and is definitely the most representative of a person’s character in secret. The bedroom is the place where we carry out the most intimate and natural instincts that [...]

By |2011-07-25T19:17:51+03:00July 25th, 2011|Interior Design|0 Comments
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